Saturday, January 25, 2025
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About Us


Christian Cadence Music Outreach Center

was founded by a group of Christian musicians who had received God’s grace and had come to      

know the Truth of Christian belief. They strongly believe in the importance of music ministry in aiding

today’s evangelical outreach, and they have come to the consensus after a long time of praying together,

that there is a desperate need to build a music fellowship whose members are professionally trained

and organized.


Our Missions :

1.      Serving God with music based on His teaching.

2.      Praising and spreading God’s great salvation.


Our Goal:

1.      To lead the congregation to understand the spiritual values of Christian music

and the significance of praise.

2.      To discover and build talents and therefore improve the quality of music ministry

and strengthen the willingness to serve the Lord.

3.      To bring together the musically talented and to encourage them to appreciate

Each other, to communicate better, and to work together with one another on

God’s mission.

4.      To obey and to follow the teaching of Mathew 28: 19-20.  We want to witness for

     Christ, and to reach out using music as a vehicle.